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Orange Genie Umbrella - fully compliant umbrella company employment

The freedom of contracting with the security of employment and the benefits you’d expect from a large employer 

Orange Genie Healthcare

Healthcare professionals have unique needs and concerns, and they need specialist support. With expert advice on handling public and private-sector contracts Orange Genie Healthcare can help you navigate this unique sector of the contracting industry.   

Healthcare workers have been specifically targeted by non-compliant companies looking to exploit them using tax avoidance schemes. Many have received life-changing tax bills as a result, so it’s particularly important that healthcare workers receive accurate, jargon-free advice so they can make the right choices regarding their employment and their money.  

Healthcare contractors also need the freedom to take control of their work-life balance and look after themselves, which includes the ability to work for more than one agency or client, the freedom to fit their work around their lives, and the support they need to maintain their health and wellbeing.  

Employment with Orange Genie Healthcare gives you a single period of employment across all your assignments, which makes the transition from one agency or client easier to manage, and makes it possible to work for more than one healthcare provider without complicating your employment history or tax position. This gives you the power to choose when and where you work, putting control of your working life firmly in your hands.  

It also means you have all the rights, benefits and protections enjoyed by conventional employees, including paid holiday, sick pay, maternity/paternity pay and access to a workplace pension.   

Our unique approach to employee benefits helps you care for yourself and your family, with a range of tools designed to help you maintain your health and wellbeing, as well as medical and support services to help you manage your mental and physical health.  

Umbrella Contact us today

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