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Orange Genie Umbrella - fully compliant umbrella company employment

The freedom of contracting with the security of employment and the benefits you’d expect from a large employer 

Your Employment Documents

During your employment with Orange Genie, we’ll issue a number of important documents that deal with your employment and your pay. We ensure that your documents are secure, and available to you when you need them.  

The Key Information Document

This Key Information Document (KID) is not actually issued by us, but we’ve included it here because it’s an important part of the process. Your recruitment agency will issue you with a KID, detailing how your pay will be calculated, and including an estimate of your take-home pay.  

You pay illustration

When you first contact us, our New Business Team will take some details, make sure umbrella employment is the best option for you and explain how everything is going to work. During this conversation, they will complete a pay illustration, to give you an idea of what you can expect to be paid. They’ll send you a detailed breakdown so you know exactly what to expect. This should reflect the process explained in the KID you received from your agency.  

It’s important to remember that, while the calculation is accurate, it’s an estimate based on the information we have at the time. 

Your contract of employment

When you sign up with us, we’ll ask you to sign a contract of employment (COE). This is specifically designed to allow for a single period of employment across all your assignments. Where it differs from a conventional COE, this is to allow for this flexibility, so it covers our legal relationship with you across a huge variety of different circumstances. 

Your pay documents

Because of the way umbrella company pay works, and because we’re determined to be completely transparent with our employees, your pay documents will contain more information than you’ll see on a conventional payslip.  

Page 1 will explain how we calculate your gross pay from the income we receive for the work you complete as our employee. This document will include our income, and you’ll see deductions for our margin and costs. 

Page 2 explains how we calculate your take-home pay from your gross pay. This document more closely resembles a conventional payslip, and will show deductions for PAYE tax, employee National Insurance, and any other deductions we’re required to make.  

Your pay documents are stored in your Orange Genie Companion portal, which means they’re completely secure and you can access them at any time from any device. You will also use your Companion portal to access your other benefits, like our discount outlet, medical services and lifestyle tools.  

Your P60

When the tax year ends on the 6th of April each year, your employer will issue a P60, which shows your payroll figures for the year that just ended. You’ll see your total earnings, and the tax and National Insurance you’ve paid. Your P60s will all be available in your Orange Genie Companion portal, in the same section as your payslips.  

Umbrella Contact us today

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